it had been only a poetic expression we would have appreciated it not
more than a Man's Concept of God, which may become redundant with the
passage of time. But, as it is revealed in the Quran, which reads:
'" Hova Ma'akum Aina Ma Kuntum - God is with you, where ever you may be! [57:4],
it is not merely a wistful expression of human's imagination but this
Concept of God is a concrete reality. It cannot be denied or defied with
further arguments. It lays the foundation of Faith for those who
believe in Quran as Divine Revelation.
cannot profess Islam unless he hold this belief that God is :
Omnipresent and Ubiquitous ! He is far above the man's concept of Time,
Space and Compassing. But, unfortunately, many people despite of their
firm belief in the Universality of God cannot defend themselves from the
onslaught of false dogmas of their religions. They hold certain very
erroneous beliefs about God's Existence. Their imagination cannot grasp a
God who is Omnipresent and Ubiquitous and express Himself through
tangible Laws. They are incapable to derive satisfaction from His
obedience through Laws. They dislike worshipping an Abstract God.
they create a God from their own imaginations and idolize Him in the
worship. This weakness of human mind lays the foundation of different
religion because the imagination varies from person to person.
Consequently, the mankind got divided and the clergies started to
confuse them further. They succeeded in sending a Hindu to the Mander, a
Christian to the Church, a Jew to the Synagogue and a Muslim to the
Mosque in search of God who dwells in hearts.
every one of us gets satisfaction only when we worship Him in the
Mosque or Mander, Church or Synagogue and when we seek His blessings our
hands and heads are raised to the sky instinctively. While doing all
this we don't have even the slightest sense that - He dwells in our
hearts. He is with us where ever we are! He is far above our
comprehension. He is - A Being - Who likes to be obeyed and followed
rather than worshiped. There is not a single word in the Quran, which
could be translated into worship. We find repeatedly such words;
Ahbadullah, Atteeullah, Ittebahullah - all of these got the meaning of
Obedience rather than worship.
shows His existence through His tangible Laws. Whether these are
discovered as Laws of Nature or Revealed to mankind through the agency
of God's Messengers, we have to follow them. These are the only means,
which makes us honorable in the sight of God Who is not far away but
very near to us. How much near? He says:
" ... We are nearer to him (man) than his jugular vein [50:16].
And when He says:
(O Prophet) When My servants ask you concerning Me, I am indeed close
(to them): I listen to the Call of every Caller when he calls on me: So,
let them listen to Me and trust Me. This will put them on the right
path. [2:186] "
means that man has to obey His Laws all those, which are commanded both
in Nature and the Quran. God never speaks to man directly except the
Prophets. And, our belief is that Mohammad (pbuh) was the last prophet.
There will be no more prophets. Therefore, the only way to listen to
God's call is through His Book. God answers our calls through Quran. And
our answer to God's Calls is to obey His Laws. God's Laws produce
tangible results. And, in fact, these results are the true acceptance of
our calls or prayers.
is the true Concept of God, which the Quran gives to us. All other
concepts concerning God are the fabrication of human mind. If we follow
this concept we need not to search God in certain places or through
certain agencies. We have to look for Him in our heart and mind and
approach Him through His Laws. If the whole mankind follow this course
the entire face of the earth would become a Paradise. Because, in this
way the human being like other living beings would become law-abiding
specie. Rather, a better specie due to his power to think and create.
who take different courses or agencies as " Waseela " other than God's
Laws to approach Him or to seek His blessings or to get nearer to him
are sheerly misguided. They are doomed here and would get double
punishment in the hereafter. And blessed are those who follows His laws.
They enjoy the pleasure of this life and would get double reward in the
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